* @namespace Databases-KeyValueIndexed
* @memberof module:Databases
* @description
* Key-Value database that uses an index in order to provide fast queries.
* Key-value pairs are stored to the configured storage.
* @example <caption>Specify a custom storage</caption>
* import { createHelia } from 'helia'
* import { createOrbitDB, KeyValueIndexed, IPFSBlockStorage } from 'orbitdb'
* const ipfs = createHelia()
* const storage = await IPFSBlockStorage({ ipfs })
* const orbitdb = await createOrbitDB({ ipfs })
* const db = await orbitdb.open('my-kv', { Database: KeyValueIndexed({ storage }) })
* @augments module:Databases~Database
* @augments module:Databases.Databases-KeyValue
import KeyValue from './keyvalue.js'
import LevelStorage from '../storage/level.js'
import pathJoin from '../utils/path-join.js'
const valueEncoding = 'json'
* Defines an index for a KeyValue database.
* @param {string} [directory] A location for storing the index-related data
* @return {Index} A Index function.
const Index = ({ directory } = {}) => async () => {
const index = await LevelStorage({ path: directory, valueEncoding })
const indexedEntries = await LevelStorage({ path: pathJoin(directory, '/_indexedEntries/'), valueEncoding })
const update = async (log, entry) => {
const keys = new Set()
const toBeIndexed = new Set()
const latest = entry.hash
// Function to check if a hash is in the entry index
const isIndexed = async (hash) => (await indexedEntries.get(hash)) === true
const isNotIndexed = async (hash) => !(await isIndexed(hash))
// Function to decide when the log traversal should be stopped
const shoudStopTraverse = async (entry) => {
// Go through the nexts of an entry and if any is not yet
// indexed, add it to the list of entries-to-be-indexed
for await (const hash of entry.next) {
if (await isNotIndexed(hash)) {
// If the latest entry and all its nexts are indexed and to-be-indexed list is empty,
// we don't have anything more to process, so return true to stop the traversal
return await isIndexed(latest) && toBeIndexed.size === 0
// Traverse the log and stop when everything has been processed
for await (const entry of log.traverse(null, shoudStopTraverse)) {
const { hash, payload } = entry
// If an entry is not yet indexed, process it
if (await isNotIndexed(hash)) {
const { op, key } = payload
if (op === 'PUT' && !keys.has(key)) {
await index.put(key, entry)
await indexedEntries.put(hash, true)
} else if (op === 'DEL' && !keys.has(key)) {
await index.del(key)
await indexedEntries.put(hash, true)
// Remove the entry (hash) from the list of to-be-indexed entries
* Closes the index and its storages.
const close = async () => {
await index.close()
await indexedEntries.close()
* Drops all records from the index and its storages.
const drop = async () => {
await index.clear()
await indexedEntries.clear()
return {
get: index.get,
iterator: index.iterator,
* Defines a KeyValueIndexed database.
* @param {module:Storage} [storage=LevelStorage] A compatible storage where
* the key/value pairs are indexed.
* @return {module:Databases.Databases-KeyValueIndexed} A KeyValueIndexed
* function.
* @memberof module:Databases
const KeyValueIndexed = () => async ({ ipfs, identity, address, name, access, directory, meta, headsStorage, entryStorage, indexStorage, referencesCount, syncAutomatically, onUpdate }) => {
// Set up the directory for an index
directory = pathJoin(directory || './orbitdb', `./${address}/_index/`)
// Set up the index
const index = await Index({ directory })()
// Set up the underlying KeyValue database
const keyValueStore = await KeyValue()({ ipfs, identity, address, name, access, directory, meta, headsStorage, entryStorage, indexStorage, referencesCount, syncAutomatically, onUpdate: index.update })
* Gets a value from the store by key.
* @function
* @param {string} key The key of the value to get.
* @return {*} The value corresponding to key or null.
* @memberof module:Databases.Databases-KeyValueIndexed
* @instance
const get = async (key) => {
const entry = await index.get(key)
if (entry) {
return entry.payload.value
* Iterates over keyvalue pairs.
* @function
* @param {Object} [filters={}] Various filters to apply to the iterator.
* @param {string} [filters.amount=-1] The number of results to fetch.
* @yields [string, string, string] The next key/value as key/value/hash.
* @memberof module:Databases.Databases-KeyValueIndexed
* @instance
const iterator = async function * ({ amount } = {}) {
const it = index.iterator({ amount, reverse: true })
for await (const record of it) {
// 'index' is a LevelStorage that returns a [key, value] pair
const entry = record[1]
const { key, value } = entry.payload
const hash = entry.hash
yield { key, value, hash }
* Closes the index and underlying storage.
const close = async () => {
await keyValueStore.close()
await index.close()
* Drops all records from the index and underlying storage.
const drop = async () => {
await keyValueStore.drop()
await index.drop()
return {
KeyValueIndexed.type = 'keyvalue'
export default KeyValueIndexed