* @module Log
* @description
* Log is a verifiable, append-only log CRDT.
* Implemented as a Merkle-CRDT as per the paper
* ["Merkle-CRDTs: Merkle-DAGs meet CRDTs"]{@link https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.00107}
import LRU from 'lru'
import PQueue from 'p-queue'
import Entry from './entry.js'
import Clock, { tickClock } from './clock.js'
import Heads from './heads.js'
import ConflictResolution from './conflict-resolution.js'
import MemoryStorage from '../storage/memory.js'
const { LastWriteWins, NoZeroes } = ConflictResolution
const randomId = () => new Date().getTime().toString()
const maxClockTimeReducer = (res, acc) => Math.max(res, acc.clock.time)
// Default storage for storing the Log and its entries. Default: Memory. Options: Memory, LRU, IPFS.
const DefaultStorage = MemoryStorage
// Default AccessController for the Log.
// Default policy is that anyone can write to the Log.
// Signature of an entry will always be verified regardless of AccessController policy.
// Any object that implements the function `canAppend()` that returns true|false can be
// used as an AccessController.
const DefaultAccessController = async () => {
// An AccessController may do any async initialization stuff here...
return {
canAppend: async (entry) => true
* Create a new Log instance
* @function
* @param {IPFS} ipfs An IPFS instance
* @param {Object} identity Identity.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.logId ID of the log
* @param {Array<Entry>} options.logHeads Set the heads of the log
* @param {Object} options.access AccessController (./default-access-controller)
* @param {Array<Entry>} options.entries An Array of Entries from which to create the log
* @param {module:Storage} [options.entryStorage] A compatible storage instance
* for storing log entries. Defaults to MemoryStorage.
* @param {module:Storage} [options.headsStorage] A compatible storage
* instance for storing log heads. Defaults to MemoryStorage.
* @param {module:Storage} [options.indexStorage] A compatible storage
* instance for storing an index of log entries. Defaults to MemoryStorage.
* @param {Function} options.sortFn The sort function - by default LastWriteWins
* @return {module:Log~Log} sync An instance of Log
* @memberof module:Log
* @instance
const Log = async (identity, { logId, logHeads, access, entryStorage, headsStorage, indexStorage, sortFn } = {}) => {
* @namespace Log
* @description The instance returned by {@link module:Log}
if (identity == null) {
throw new Error('Identity is required')
if (logHeads != null && !Array.isArray(logHeads)) {
throw new Error('\'logHeads\' argument must be an array')
// Set Log's id
const id = logId || randomId()
// Access Controller
access = access || await DefaultAccessController()
// Oplog entry storage
const _entries = entryStorage || await DefaultStorage()
// Entry index for keeping track which entries are already in the log
const _index = indexStorage || await DefaultStorage()
// Heads storage
headsStorage = headsStorage || await DefaultStorage()
// Add heads to the state storage, ie. init the log state
const _heads = await Heads({ storage: headsStorage, heads: logHeads })
// Conflict-resolution sorting function
sortFn = NoZeroes(sortFn || LastWriteWins)
// Internal queues for processing appends and joins in their call-order
const appendQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 })
const joinQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 })
* Returns the clock of the log.
* @return {module:Clock}
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const clock = async () => {
// Find the latest clock from the heads
const maxTime = Math.max(0, (await heads()).reduce(maxClockTimeReducer, 0))
return Clock(identity.publicKey, maxTime)
* Returns the current heads of the log
* @return {Array<module:Log~Entry>}
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const heads = async () => {
const res = await _heads.all()
return res.sort(sortFn).reverse()
* Returns all entries in the log
* @return {Array<module:Log~Entry>}
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const values = async () => {
const values = []
for await (const entry of traverse()) {
return values
* Retrieve an entry
* @param {string} hash The hash of the entry to retrieve
* @return {module:Log~Entry}
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const get = async (hash) => {
const bytes = await _entries.get(hash)
if (bytes) {
const entry = await Entry.decode(bytes)
return entry
const has = async (hash) => {
const entry = await _index.get(hash)
return entry != null
* Append an new entry to the log
* @param {data} data Payload to add to the entry
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number} options.referencesCount TODO
* @return {module:Log~Entry} Entry that was appended
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const append = async (data, options = { referencesCount: 0 }) => {
const task = async () => {
// 1. Prepare entry
// 2. Authorize entry
// 3. Store entry
// 4. return Entry
// Get current heads of the log
const heads_ = await heads()
// Create the next pointers from heads
const nexts = heads_.map(entry => entry.hash)
// Get references (pointers) to multiple entries in the past
// (skips the heads which are covered by the next field)
const refs = await getReferences(heads_, options.referencesCount + heads_.length)
// Create the entry
const entry = await Entry.create(
tickClock(await clock()),
// Authorize the entry
const canAppend = await access.canAppend(entry)
if (!canAppend) {
throw new Error(`Could not append entry:\nKey "${identity.hash}" is not allowed to write to the log`)
// The appended entry is now the latest head
await _heads.set([entry])
// Add entry to the entry storage
await _entries.put(entry.hash, entry.bytes)
// Add entry to the entry index
await _index.put(entry.hash, true)
// Return the appended entry
return entry
return appendQueue.add(task)
* Join two logs.
* Joins another log into this one.
* @param {module:Log~Log} log Log to join with this Log
* @example
* await log1.join(log2)
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const join = async (log) => {
if (!log) {
throw new Error('Log instance not defined')
if (!isLog(log)) {
throw new Error('Given argument is not an instance of Log')
if (_entries.merge) {
await _entries.merge(log.storage)
const heads = await log.heads()
for (const entry of heads) {
await joinEntry(entry)
* Join an entry into a log.
* @param {module:Log~Entry} entry Entry to join with this Log
* @example
* await log.joinEntry(entry)
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const joinEntry = async (entry) => {
const task = async () => {
/* 1. Check if the entry is already in the log and return early if it is */
const isAlreadyInTheLog = await has(entry.hash)
if (isAlreadyInTheLog) {
return false
const verifyEntry = async (entry) => {
// Check that the Entry belongs to this Log
if (entry.id !== id) {
throw new Error(`Entry's id (${entry.id}) doesn't match the log's id (${id}).`)
// Verify if entry is allowed to be added to the log
const canAppend = await access.canAppend(entry)
if (!canAppend) {
throw new Error(`Could not append entry:\nKey "${entry.identity}" is not allowed to write to the log`)
// Verify signature for the entry
const isValid = await Entry.verify(identity, entry)
if (!isValid) {
throw new Error(`Could not validate signature for entry "${entry.hash}"`)
/* 2. Verify the entry */
await verifyEntry(entry)
/* 3. Find missing entries and connections (=path in the DAG) to the current heads */
const headsHashes = (await heads()).map(e => e.hash)
const hashesToAdd = new Set([entry.hash])
const hashesToGet = new Set([...entry.next, ...entry.refs])
const connectedHeads = new Set()
const traverseAndVerify = async () => {
const getEntries = Array.from(hashesToGet.values()).filter(has).map(get)
const entries = await Promise.all(getEntries)
for (const e of entries) {
await verifyEntry(e)
for (const hash of [...e.next, ...e.refs]) {
const isInTheLog = await has(hash)
if (!isInTheLog && !hashesToAdd.has(hash)) {
} else if (headsHashes.includes(hash)) {
if (hashesToGet.size > 0) {
await traverseAndVerify()
await traverseAndVerify()
/* 4. Add missing entries to the index (=to the log) */
for (const hash of hashesToAdd.values()) {
await _index.put(hash, true)
/* 5. Remove heads which new entries are connect to */
for (const hash of connectedHeads.values()) {
await _heads.remove(hash)
/* 6. Add new entry to entries (for pinning) */
await _entries.put(entry.hash, entry.bytes)
/* 6. Add the new entry to heads (=union with current heads) */
await _heads.add(entry)
return true
return joinQueue.add(task)
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const traverse = async function * (rootEntries, shouldStopFn) {
// By default, we don't stop traversal and traverse
// until the end of the log
const defaultStopFn = () => false
shouldStopFn = shouldStopFn || defaultStopFn
// Start traversal from given entries or from current heads
rootEntries = rootEntries || (await heads())
// Sort the given given root entries and use as the starting stack
let stack = rootEntries.sort(sortFn)
// Keep a record of all the hashes of entries we've traversed and yielded
const traversed = {}
// Keep a record of all the hashes we are fetching or have already fetched
let toFetch = []
const fetched = {}
// A function to check if we've seen a hash
const notIndexed = (hash) => !(traversed[hash] || fetched[hash])
// Current entry during traversal
let entry
// Start traversal and process stack until it's empty (traversed the full log)
while (stack.length > 0) {
stack = stack.sort(sortFn)
// Get the next entry from the stack
entry = stack.pop()
if (entry) {
const { hash, next } = entry
// If we have an entry that we haven't traversed yet, process it
if (!traversed[hash]) {
// Yield the current entry
yield entry
// If we should stop traversing, stop here
const done = await shouldStopFn(entry)
if (done === true) {
// Add to the hash indices
traversed[hash] = true
fetched[hash] = true
// Add the next and refs hashes to the list of hashes to fetch next,
// filter out traversed and fetched hashes
toFetch = [...toFetch, ...next].filter(notIndexed)
// Function to fetch an entry and making sure it's not a duplicate (check the hash indices)
const fetchEntries = (hash) => {
if (!traversed[hash] && !fetched[hash]) {
fetched[hash] = true
return get(hash)
// Fetch the next/reference entries
const nexts = await Promise.all(toFetch.map(fetchEntries))
// Add the next and refs fields from the fetched entries to the next round
toFetch = nexts
.filter(e => e !== null && e !== undefined)
.reduce((res, acc) => Array.from(new Set([...res, ...acc.next])), [])
// Add the fetched entries to the stack to be processed
stack = [...nexts, ...stack]
* Async iterator over the log entries
* @param {Object} options
* @param {amount} options.amount Number of entried to return. Default: return all entries.
* @param {string} options.gt Beginning hash of the iterator, non-inclusive
* @param {string} options.gte Beginning hash of the iterator, inclusive
* @param {string} options.lt Ending hash of the iterator, non-inclusive
* @param {string} options.lte Ending hash of the iterator, inclusive
* @return {Symbol.asyncIterator} Iterator object of log entries
* @examples
* (async () => {
* log = await Log(testIdentity, { logId: 'X' })
* for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
* await log.append('entry' + i)
* }
* let it = log.iterator({
* lte: 'zdpuApFd5XAPkCTmSx7qWQmQzvtdJPtx2K5p9to6ytCS79bfk',
* amount: 10
* })
* for await (let entry of it) {
* console.log(entry.payload) // 'entry100', 'entry99', ..., 'entry91'
* }
* })()
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const iterator = async function * ({ amount = -1, gt, gte, lt, lte } = {}) {
// TODO: write comments on how the iterator algorithm works
if (amount === 0) {
if (typeof lte === 'string') {
lte = [await get(lte)]
if (typeof lt === 'string') {
const entry = await get(lt)
const nexts = await Promise.all(entry.next.map(n => get(n)))
lt = nexts
if (lt != null && !Array.isArray(lt)) throw new Error('lt must be a string or an array of Entries')
if (lte != null && !Array.isArray(lte)) throw new Error('lte must be a string or an array of Entries')
const start = (lt || (lte || await heads())).filter(i => i != null)
const end = (gt || gte) ? await get(gt || gte) : null
const amountToIterate = (end || amount === -1) ? -1 : amount
let count = 0
const shouldStopTraversal = async (entry) => {
if (!entry) {
return false
if (count >= amountToIterate && amountToIterate !== -1) {
return true
if (end && Entry.isEqual(entry, end)) {
return true
return false
const useBuffer = end && amount !== -1 && !lt && !lte
const buffer = useBuffer ? new LRU(amount + 2) : null
let index = 0
const it = traverse(start, shouldStopTraversal)
for await (const entry of it) {
const skipFirst = (lt && Entry.isEqual(entry, start))
const skipLast = (gt && Entry.isEqual(entry, end))
const skip = skipFirst || skipLast
if (!skip) {
if (useBuffer) {
buffer.set(index++, entry.hash)
} else {
yield entry
if (useBuffer) {
const endIndex = buffer.keys.length
const startIndex = endIndex > amount ? endIndex - amount : 0
const keys = buffer.keys.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
for (const key of keys) {
const hash = buffer.get(key)
const entry = await get(hash)
yield entry
* Clear all entries from the log and the underlying storages
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const clear = async () => {
await _index.clear()
await _heads.clear()
await _entries.clear()
* Close the log and underlying storages
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const close = async () => {
await _index.close()
await _heads.close()
await _entries.close()
* Check if an object is a Log.
* @param {Log} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @memberof module:Log~Log
* @instance
const isLog = (obj) => {
return obj && obj.id !== undefined &&
obj.clock !== undefined &&
obj.heads !== undefined &&
obj.values !== undefined &&
obj.access !== undefined &&
obj.identity !== undefined &&
obj.storage !== undefined
* Get an array of references to multiple entries in the past.
* @param {Array<Entry>} heads An array of Log heads starting rom which the references are collected from.
* @param {number} amount The number of references to return.
* @return {Array<string>}
* @private
const getReferences = async (heads, amount = 0) => {
let refs = []
const shouldStopTraversal = async (entry) => {
return refs.length >= amount && amount !== -1
for await (const { hash } of traverse(heads, shouldStopTraversal)) {
refs = refs.slice(heads.length + 1, amount)
return refs
return {
all: values, // Alias for values()
storage: _entries
export { Log as default, DefaultAccessController, Clock }