* @module OrbitDB
* @description Provides an interface for users to interact with OrbitDB.
import { getDatabaseType } from './databases/index.js'
import KeyStore from './key-store.js'
import { Identities } from './identities/index.js'
import OrbitDBAddress, { isValidAddress } from './address.js'
import ManifestStore from './manifest-store.js'
import { createId } from './utils/index.js'
import pathJoin from './utils/path-join.js'
import { getAccessController } from './access-controllers/index.js'
import IPFSAccessController from './access-controllers/ipfs.js'
const DefaultDatabaseType = 'events'
const DefaultAccessController = IPFSAccessController
* Creates an instance of OrbitDB.
* @function createOrbitDB
* @param {Object} params One or more parameters for configuring OrbitDB.
* @param {IPFS} params.ipfs An IPFS instance.
* @param {string} [params.id] The id of the identity to use for this OrbitDB instance.
* @param {module:Identity|Object} [params.identity] An identity instance or an object containing an Identity Provider instance and any additional params required to create the identity using the specified provider.
* @param {Function} [params.identity.provider] An initialized identity provider.
* @param {module:Identities} [params.identities] An Identities system instance.
* @param {string} [params.directory] A location for storing OrbitDB data.
* @return {module:OrbitDB~OrbitDB} An instance of OrbitDB.
* @throws "IPFS instance is required argument" if no IPFS instance is provided.
* @instance
const OrbitDB = async ({ ipfs, id, identity, identities, directory } = {}) => {
* @namespace module:OrbitDB~OrbitDB
* @description The instance returned by {@link module:OrbitDB}.
if (ipfs == null) {
throw new Error('IPFS instance is a required argument.')
id = id || await createId()
const peerId = ipfs.libp2p.peerId
directory = directory || './orbitdb'
let keystore
if (identities) {
keystore = identities.keystore
} else {
keystore = await KeyStore({ path: pathJoin(directory, './keystore') })
identities = await Identities({ ipfs, keystore })
if (identity) {
if (identity.provider) {
identity = await identities.createIdentity({ ...identity })
} else {
identity = await identities.createIdentity({ id })
const manifestStore = await ManifestStore({ ipfs })
let databases = {}
* Open a database or create one if it does not already exist.
* By default, OrbitDB will create a database of type [DefaultDatabaseType]{@link module:OrbitDB~DefaultDatabaseType}:
* ```
* const mydb = await orbitdb.open('mydb')
* ```
* To create a database of a different type, specify the type param:
* ```
* const mydb = await orbitdb.open('mydb', {type: 'documents'})
* ```
* The type must be listed in [databaseTypes]{@link module:OrbitDB.databaseTypes} or an error is thrown.
* To open an existing database, pass its address to the `open` function:
* ```
* const existingDB = await orbitdb.open(dbAddress)
* ```
* The address of a newly created database can be retrieved using
* `db.address`.
* @function
* @param {string} address The address of an existing database to open, or
* the name of a new database.
* @param {Object} params One or more database configuration parameters.
* @param {string} [params.type=events] The database's type.
* @param {*} [params.meta={}] The database's metadata. Only applies when
* creating a database and is not used when opening an existing database.
* @param {boolean} [params.sync=true] If true, sync databases automatically.
* Otherwise, false.
* @param {module:Database} [params.Database=[Events]{@link module:Database.Database-Events}] A Database-compatible
* module.
* @param {module:AccessControllers}
* [params.AccessController=[IPFSAccessController]{@link module:AccessControllers.AccessControllers-IPFS}]
* An AccessController-compatible module.
* @param {module:Storage} [params.headsStorage=[ComposedStorage]{@link module:Storage.Storage-Composed}] A compatible storage instance for storing
* log heads. Defaults to ComposedStorage(LRUStorage, LevelStorage).
* @param {module:Storage} [params.entryStorage=[ComposedStorage]{@link module:Storage.Storage-Composed}] A compatible storage instance for storing
* log entries. Defaults to ComposedStorage(LRUStorage, IPFSBlockStorage).
* @param {module:Storage} [params.indexStorage=[ComposedStorage]{@link module:Storage.Storage-Composed}] A compatible storage instance for storing an " index of log entries. Defaults to ComposedStorage(LRUStorage, LevelStorage).
* @param {number} [params.referencesCount] The number of references to
* use for [Log]{@link module:Log} entries.
* @memberof module:OrbitDB
* @return {module:Database} A database instance.
* @throws "Unsupported database type" if the type specified is not in the list
* of known databaseTypes.
* @memberof module:OrbitDB~OrbitDB
* @instance
* @async
const open = async (address, { type, meta, sync, Database, AccessController, headsStorage, entryStorage, indexStorage, referencesCount } = {}) => {
let name, manifest, accessController
if (databases[address]) {
return databases[address]
if (isValidAddress(address)) {
// If the address given was a valid OrbitDB address, eg. '/orbitdb/zdpuAuK3BHpS7NvMBivynypqciYCuy2UW77XYBPUYRnLjnw13'
const addr = OrbitDBAddress(address)
manifest = await manifestStore.get(addr.hash)
const acType = manifest.accessController.split('/', 2).pop()
AccessController = getAccessController(acType)()
accessController = await AccessController({ orbitdb: { open, identity, ipfs }, identities, address: manifest.accessController })
name = manifest.name
type = type || manifest.type
meta = manifest.meta
} else {
// If the address given was not valid, eg. just the name of the database
type = type || DefaultDatabaseType
AccessController = AccessController || DefaultAccessController()
accessController = await AccessController({ orbitdb: { open, identity, ipfs }, identities, name: address })
const m = await manifestStore.create({ name: address, type, accessController: accessController.address, meta })
manifest = m.manifest
address = OrbitDBAddress(m.hash)
name = manifest.name
meta = manifest.meta
// Check if we already have the database open and return if it is
if (databases[address]) {
return databases[address]
Database = Database || getDatabaseType(type)()
if (!Database) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported database type: '${type}'`)
address = address.toString()
const db = await Database({ ipfs, identity, address, name, access: accessController, directory, meta, syncAutomatically: sync, headsStorage, entryStorage, indexStorage, referencesCount })
db.events.on('close', onDatabaseClosed(address))
databases[address] = db
return db
const onDatabaseClosed = (address) => () => {
delete databases[address]
* Stops OrbitDB, closing the underlying keystore and manifest store.
* @function stop
* @memberof module:OrbitDB~OrbitDB
* @instance
* @async
const stop = async () => {
for (const db of Object.values(databases)) {
await db.close()
if (keystore) {
await keystore.close()
if (manifestStore) {
await manifestStore.close()
databases = {}
return {
export { OrbitDB as default, OrbitDBAddress }